In 2025, if your businessdoesn't use digital tools, your business is loosing money. Nowadays, digital media is important. Many consumers are looking for products or services through social media. With RP DIGITAL CA strategies, your company will reach more customers, and your product or service will have 50% more chance to make a sell or have more visits to your website or location.
70% of users who search from their mobile phone make a call directly to the company.
70% of companies have integrated mobile marketing into their overall strategy.
Our services:
Google Ads:
Let's create optimized campaigns for adwords together, start selling now! Thanks to being in the top positions of Google, implement this tool in your global plan and get faster results.
Social Media:
Nowadays, your product or service will not have the same success without a good positioning strategy and even worse if you do not involve social networks. We can create the plan that best suits your type of business. Don't leave the use of these sales tools in inexperienced hands.
E-mail Marketing:
Utilizing this powerful marketing tool is very helpful in achieving whatever your goal is.
Did you know that for 2018 the percentage of opening transactional emails is 37%, get the most out of your database.